Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Battlefield 2142 Keys/Serial Keys

      Battlefield 2142 features 4 different playable kits. These kits can be selected at any time, and the player will get them when he/she spawns. The kits are a combination of the kits in Battlefield 2, which had seven playable kits, which were less customizable/upgradeable. Each kit has different weapons and equipment that are unique to that kit. Each kit contains a basic weapon, a secondary weapon, and a knife. The knife differs in this game from Battlefield 2 because when a player is killed with a knife, the killer acquires the player's dogtag. The player is able to gain rank, options, and equipment by acquiring points in the game. Battlefield 2142 now has customization, allowing the player to gain more unlocks for one kit, which makes it more effective. Each class has two unlockable weapons and one passive unlock which upgrades the soldier's helmet, each helmet upgrade having different functions. The benefits of one soldier's helmet upgrade will be shared with his or her squadmates. There was a mode called Conflict 2142 that brings all characters from 2142 to 2 Battlefield map.

    Assault: The Assault and Medic classes from Battlefield 2 are combined as the Assault kit in Battlefield 2142. The main weapons are assault rifles with unlockable rocket or shotgun add-ons. Other unlocks include advanced first-aid kits which can be deployed to restore the health of anyone standing close to it, smoke grenades for screening, and a defibrillator for reviving fallen comrades. The Assault kit has a helmet upgrade that allows the user to determine what type of kit the enemy soldier is using, and assigns the appropriate icon above the "enemy spotted" marker.
    Recon: The Sniper and Special Forces classes from Battlefield 2 are combined as the Recon kit in Battlefield 2142. The main weapons are sniper rifles, while there is also an unlockable carbine for close-range encounters. Unlockable improvements for the sniper rifles include a x4 scope and a scope stabilizer. This class can unlock a variety of explosives, including APMs and remote-detonated RDX charges, both of which can kill infantry upon detonation, and the latter can also be used for destroying enemy vehicles, assets, and strategic objects (SAT Track, UAV, Orbital Strike, and EMP Strike). Another unlockable item is the Active Camo system, which makes the user 90% invisible to other soldiers. But if the user gets too close to an enemy, the user can be easily spotted because of the electronic and static sounds the Active Camo system creates. The Recon kit's helmet upgrade increases the time the "enemy spotted" marker stays on the HUD.                   

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